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Add-On Programs

Protect & enhance your lawn with one of our add-on programs!

Whether you need to protect your family and pets from insects, reduce thatch build-up, improve soil conditions or guard against lawn disease and drought, we have solutions to help.


Request a free lawn evaluation to see if any of these options are right for you!

Lawn Fungicide Applications Johnson County, KS

Lawn Disease Prevention

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Protect your lawn and help keep it looking great throughout the summer when lawn disease issues are most prevalent.


Lawn disease is best controlled through preventative measures and proper cultural practices. This program includes three lawn disease prevention applications. Treatments will begin according to weather patterns and applied as conditions for disease begin to rise.


Complimentary service calls are included if lawn disease issues arise in between applications.

Lawn Insect Prevention

Bison Lawns Logo Kansas

Protect your lawn, family and pets throughout the summer months with our Lawn Insect Prevention Program.


This program includes three lawn surface insect prevention applications made in June, July & August when insect activity is most prevalent in lawns.


Additional applications can be made upon request.

Lawn Insect Control in Johnson County, KS
Landscape Bed Weed Prevention Johnson County, KS

Landscape Bed Weed Prevention

Bison Lawns Logo Kansas

Let us help reduce the amount of weeds in your landscape beds with our Bed Weed Prevention Program.


Our bed weed prevention program includes the application of 3 professional grade pre-emergent treatments to your rock and mulch beds during the growing season.


This will help stop various annual weed seeds that germinate at different times of the year. We will also spot treat for existing weeds in your landscape beds during each visit to your property.

Perimeter Pest Control

Bison Lawns Logo Kansas

Protect your family and keep nuisance pests such as spiders, ants and beetles out of your home.


Our Perimeter Pest Control Program includes 4 treatments applied throughout the year. These applications consist of a professional grade insecticide applied around the foundation of your home and along entry way doors and windows. Existing spider webs will also be swept for. 


Couple this program with our Lawn Insect Prevention Program for superior protection against pests.

Perimeter Pest Control Johnson County KS
Improving Soil Conditions Johnson County KS

Soil Enhancement Solutions

Bison Lawns Logo Kansas

Increase organic matter and improve your soil structure with our Soil Enhancement Program.


This program is ideal for new construction lawns that lack nutrient rich topsoil. It includes two Bio-Char treatments applied in the winter months. Adding Bio-Char to your lawn each year helps build topsoil quicker and provides permanent housing for soil microbes.


A healthy microbe population provides many benefits for your lawn such as reducing thatch build up and improving fertilizer and watering efficiencies.

Thatch Reduction Solutions

Bison Lawns Logo Kansas

Overtime a layer of thatch can build up between the soil and the crown of the grass plant. Thatch can harbor disease, insects and inhibit root development.


Our Thatch Reduction program includes 3 applications of beneficial bacteria and fungi designed to increase microbial activity and break down thatch naturally. These applications will also improve soil health and increase watering efficiency.


Enjoy 10% off any aeration service to further reduce thatch in your lawn.

Thatch Reduction in Lawn Johnson County, KS
Increase Watering Efficiency Johnson County, KS

Moisture Management Solutions

Bison Lawns Logo Kansas

Reduce your water bill and increase your watering efficiency with help from our Moisture Management Program. Extended periods of drought can wreck havoc on lawns especially if you don't have the luxury of an irrigation system.


This program includes three applications made in June, July & August when lawns require more moisture to thrive.


These applications can also help improve fertilizer efficiency and increase seed germination in the fall.

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